1. Who is responsible for the leak? The Districts responsibility, as far as the water distribution system is concerned, ends at the water meter. The customer owns the service line from the meter to the residence.  Repair of leaks along the service line or in the home are the customers responsibility.
  2. Can I get an adjustment for my water bill? Since our community’s water source is limited and using it efficiently is of prime importance, we urge customers to repair all leaks promptly.  To support our customers in his endeavor, the district offers a one-time leak adjustment.  Leak adjustments are applied to one time billing only.
  3. How long do I have to repair my leak? To qualify for the leak adjustment, leaks MUST be repaired within (30) days from the leak notification provided by the District, or, if no notification is provided the customer must repair the leak within (30) days of discovery.
  4. What type of leak qualifies for an adjustment? Leak adjustments are for leaks in the service line only. Leak adjustments do not include sprinkler systems, running toilets, faucets, water heaters, hoses or other above ground systems.
  5. How often can I get a leak adjustment? The owner is entitled to ONE leak adjustment during the life of the user’s service line.  Additional leak adjustments may be approved by the District management on a case by case basis.
  6. How do I qualify for a leak adjustment? To qualify for a leak adjustment our operator has to determine it is a leak and the location.  To initiate the process we have a leak request form.  Copies of receipts from a plumber or contractor will need to be submitted along with the request for consideration.  Before determination of leak adjustment can be made a district employee will verify that the service line is no longer leaking and the work has been completed.
  7. How is a leak adjustment calculated? The leak adjustment is determined by using the customers 12-month billing cycle or longer to determine an average consumption.  The total number of gallons used minus the average times the amount allowed by the Public Service Commission (in our tariff) added together determines the amount of the adjusted bill amount.
  8. Where do I start? The first step is to find a plumber or contractor that can help you identify and fix the leak or plan to repair yourself.  The Huttonsville PSD does not provide contractors names or phone numbers you can find these in the phone book in the yellow pages. 


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